



Trivedi, R. H., Patel, J., & Fukukawa, K. (2024 forthcoming) ‘Stakeholder Green Pressure and Enviropreneurial Marketing: Insights From Japanese SMEs’, Business Strategy and the Environment.  https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/bse.4110



Masaatsu Doi (2020) "Legitimacy of Corporate Social Innovation: Legitimizing Resource Mobilization for Corporate Social Innovation in the Case Studies in Japan"、『イノベーション・マネジメント』、第17号、pp.101-117



Forhad Hossain, Sk Rokib Hussein (2018) "Employer Perspectives on Hiring People with Disabilities: A Comparative Study of Bangladesh and Japan", Working Paper PDF




Sato, Yasunobu (2015), "A Human Security Approach to Human Rights Diligence: Why business needs a human security index",Journal of Human Security Studies, Vol.4, No.2, Autumn 2015.pp.87-107






大平修司、薗部靖史、スタニスロスキースミレ(2014)「ソーシャル・コンシューマーの消費意思決定プロセスの解明:環境配慮型商品と寄付つき商品の消費意思決定プロセス」 Working Paper PDF







大平修司、薗部靖史、スタニスロスキースミレ(2012)「消費を通じた社会的課題の解決:日本におけるソーシャルコンシューマーの発見」 Working Paper PDF

Appendix:消費を通じた社会的課題の解決 PDF



Research Grant Program


■Research Grant Program 2019

Trivedi, R. H., Patel, J., & Fukukawa, K. (2024 forthcoming) ‘Stakeholder Green Pressure and Enviropreneurial Marketing: Insights From Japanese SMEs’, Business Strategy and the Environment.  https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/bse.4110


■Research Grant Program 2017

Masaatsu Doi (2020) "Legitimacy of Corporate Social Innovation: Legitimizing Resource Mobilization for Corporate Social Innovation in the Case Studies in Japan", Journal of Innovation Management, No.17, pp.101-117.


■Research Grant Program 2016

Forhad Hossain, Sk Rokib Hussein (2018) 'Employer Perspectives on Hiring People with Disabilities: A Comparative Study of Bangladesh and Japan', Working Paper Series No.003 PDF

*This Paper is not reviewed by JFBS.


■Research Grant Program 2014

Sato, Yasunobu (2015) 'A Human Security Approach to Human Rights Diligence: Why business needs a human security index',Journal of Human Security Studies, Vol.4, No.2, Autumn 2015, pp.87-107.


■Research Grant Program 2013

Furuya, Yukiko (2015) 'A Study of the Multi-stakeholder Forum on Social Responsibility for a Sustainable Future: A model of Multi Stakeholder Process on Solving Social Isssues' (in Japanese), Japan Society for Business Ethics Study, No.22, pp.95-108.


■Research Grant Program 2012

Ohira, Shuji, Sonobe, Yasushi, and Stanislawski, Sumire (2014) 'The Decision-making Process of Social Consumers' (in Japanese), Working Paper Series No.002 PDF

*This paper is not reviewed by JFBS.


■Research Grant Program 2011

Research Theme ①Great East Japan Earthquake and Business

Doi, Masaatsu and Misui, Yuki (2012) 'Case Studies "Great East Japan Earthquake and Business"' (in Japanese), Japan Forum of Business and Society (Ed) Sustainable Development and Multistakeholders, pp.232-303, Chikura.

Research Theme ②Solving social issues through consumption

Ohira, Shuji, Sonobe, Yasushi, and Stanislawski, Sumire (2012) 'Solving social issues through consumption' (in Japanese), Working Paper Series No.001 PDF

Appendix (in Japanese) PDF

*This paper is not reviewed by JFBS.