JFBS Western Japan Workshop and Eastern Japan Workshop are opportunities of presentation and discussion mainly for JFBS members, which are held once or twice every year. Presentation can be
research presentation by scholars or case study by practitioners, and the theme can be anything.
If you wish to give a presentation, please contact JFBS Office.
*The workshop is open to both JFBS members and non-members.
Latest Workshop
JFBS 3月研究部会 開催概要
日時:2025年3月22日(土) 13:15-16:30
会場:一橋大学千代田キャンパス、大講義室 / Zoom
13.15 開会
13.20 新田 英理子 氏(一般社団法人 SDGs市民社会ネットワーク 事務局長)
14.25 横山 恵子 氏(関西大学商学部 教授)via Zoom
15.30 岩田紘宜 氏(東京大学 技術経営戦略学専攻 博士課程/ 未来ビジョン研究センター RA)
16.30 閉会
• 本年度の会員年会費を収めていただいている方:無料
• 本年度の会員年会費を未納の方:年会費を部会前に納めていただければ、無料
• 非会員で、部会前に入会申請をされた方:無料
• 非会員:1500円(学生1000円)
JFBS March Research Meeting <Hybrid>
13:15 Opening
13:20 Eriko Nitta (Secretary-General, SDGs Japan)
"Rethinking Sustainability: A Civil Society Perspective"
14:25 Keiko Yokoyama (Professor, Kansai University, Faculty of Commerce) via Zoom
"NPO Succession and the Founder’s Syndrome"
15:30 Hiroyoshi Iwata (Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Technology Management for Innovation / Research Assistant, Institute for Future Initiatives, The University of Tokyo)
"The Climate Innovation Funding Gap and Pathways to Resolution: An Empirical Analysis of Japan’s Venture Investor Ecosystem”
16:30 Closing
◆Participation Fees:
• Members who have paid this year’s membership fee: Free
• Members who have not paid this year’s membership fee: Free if the membership fee is paid before the meeting
• Non-members who apply for membership before the meeting: Free
• Non-members: 1,500 yen (1,000 yen for students)