2009 年3月から、谷本研究室(一橋大学)では上記の目的に沿って、学界、企業、行政、NGO等から28名のメンバーが集まり、FBS(第1期)を開催してきました。2年間で9回の研究会(ワークショップ)と、2010年11月APABIS(アジア太平洋企業と社会学会)東京カンファレンスの開催協力(メンバー 3人が登壇)を行いました。
Japan Forum of Business and Society is an academic association which conducts academic research/discussion on the relationship between business and society focusing on global trends as well as encouraging cooperative relationship with academia, industry, government, labor and NPO/NGO.
English:Japan Forum of Business and Society (JFBS)
Now is the time when sustainable development of socio-economic system must be achieved and corporate economic, social and environmental roles and responsibilities are totally re-designed.
Challenges of redefining the relationship between business and society have developed in developed countries and emerging/developing countries.
Japan Forum of Business and Society is an academic association which conducts academic research/discussion on the relationship between business and society focusing on global trends with encouraging cooperative relationship among academia, industry, government, labor and NPO/NGO. Human resource development of young researchers and practitioners is another major topic for our forum.
• Study on sustainable corporate society
• Having perspective of Japan existing in global society
• Strengthening cooperation between sectors
• Creation of a new opportunity (open platform) for academia and practitioners to meet and discuss
• Fostering of responsible leaders
• Serving as a catalyst of social innovation
Research Themes
• Relationship between corporations and society, Sustainable development, SDGs, Circular economy, Public policy
• CSR management, Corporate governance, Business ethics
• Environmental management, Environmental accounting, Environmental protection
• Consumers, Safety and health, Labor and human rights, Supply chain
• Philanthropy, Social Marketing, CRM, Social products
• Stakeholder engagement, Information disclosure/report, CSR education
• Corporate value, Reputation, SRI, ESG investment
• NPO/NGO, Collaboration between sectors, International cooperation
• Multi-stakeholder process, Global governance, International standards
• Social business, Social enterprise/entrepreneur, Social innovation
• International comparison
• Members only (Individual/Corporate member)
• Board Members, Steering Committee, Programme Committee
• Coordination Office
Background of JFBS
Our forum started on March 2009 by involving of 28 members from academia, industry, government and NGOs.
We have held 9 workshops in these two years, and coordinated an international conference in Tokyo with APABIS (Asia Pacific Academy of Business in Society), where three members of our forum delivered speech.
Based on these experiences, we have decided to develop this forum into an open platform.
Board Members (Sep. 2024 - Aug. 2027)
Kyoko Fukukawa, Hitotsubashi University
Vice President
Keiichi Ushijima, EY Japan
Vice President
Masahiro Okada, Keio University
Vice President
Masaatsu Doi, Hosei University
Board Member
Hiroshi Amemiya, Arabesque S-Ray Japan branch
Board Member
Hidenori Imazu, Japan Civil Society Network on SDGs
Board Member
Shuji Ohira, Musashi University Board Member
Daisuke Okamoto, Shiga University
Board Member
Makoto Saito, Lawyer
Board Member
Akiko Sato, Lawyer / Human Rights Now /
UNDP Regional Bureau for Asia and the Pacific
Board Member
Risa Tanaka, The Graduate School of
Project Design
Board Member
Kanji Tanimoto, Waseda University
Board Member
Chizuru Nishio, University of Tsukuba
Hiroshi Ogino, Tama University
Kimihisa Komura, Kyoto Sangyo University
Steering Committee
Chair Kyoko Fukukawa, Hitotsubashi University
Keiichi Ushijima, EY Japan
Masahiro Okada, Keio University
Masaatsu Doi, Hosei University
Hidenori Imazu, Japan Civil Society Network on SDGs
Shuji Ohira, Musashi University
Program Committee
Co-Chair Hidenori Imazu, Japan Civil Society Network on SDGs
Co-Chair Masaatsu Doi, Hosei University
Hiroshi Amemiya, Arabesque S-Ray Japan branch
Keiichi Ushijima, EY Japan
Shuji Ohira, Musashi University
Masahiro Okada, Keio University
Miho Murashima, Rikkyo University
Susumu Teshima, Chiba University of Commerce
Editorial Committee
Chair Masaatsu Doi, Hosei University
Co-Chair (Annual Conference Chairperson)
Keiko Zaima, Kyoto Sangyo University
Miho Taka, Coventry University
Kanji Tanimoto, Waseda University
Keiko Yokoyama, Kansai University
Japan Forum of Business and Society (JFBS)
一橋大学 第2研究館1階 106
商学研究室内 JFBS事務局
Room 106, Faculty Building 2
Office of the Graduate School of Commerce,
2-1 Naka, Kunitachi-shi, Tokyo, Japan, 186-8601
TEL: +81-42-580-8561 / FAX: +81-42-580-8747