■34th Australia and New Zealand Academy of Management (ANZAM) Conference
1-2 December 2021, Online
Our theme is “Bouncing Back: Innovative Management in Turbulent Times”, which speaks to the challenges of moving forward in today’s rapidly-changing business environment; reinventing how we can best navigate volatile and uncertain contexts, while staying mindful of the impact that our actions have on the future—the future of work, sustainability, and well-being. For further information, please see here.
■Contesting Social Responsibilities of Business: Experiences in Context (A Special Issue of Human Relations)
- Special Issue Workshop, Online: 16 September 2021 (Deadline: 21 June 2021)
- Deadline for submission to journal: 28 February 2022
Contesting Social Responsibilities of Business: Experiences in Context. We focus on how individuals and groups experience contestations related to social responsibilities of business in different localities. Conceptions of what social responsibilities are, and who the responsibility bearers are or should be, will also vary among contexts. In particular, how social responsibilities are deconstructed, evaded, subverted and resisted from different geo-political contextual perspectives has been passed over by much of the mainstream literature.
For further information, please see here.
■20th ABIS Annual Colloquium 2021
23 November 2021, Online
The conference will create a dialogue between practitioners and academics centering on the question: how to enhance positive business impact on society through responsible investing? In particular, it will address the benefits and opportunities for business and business schools.
For further information, please see here.
■The 4th Global Corporate Sustainability Forum (GCSF)
10-18 November 2021, Online
Since 2018, Global Corporate Sustainability Forum (GCSF), the largest Sustainability Forum in Asia has hosted by the Alliance for Sustainable Development Goals (A·SDGs) jointly organized by industry, government, academia and research institutes in Taiwan. The forum theme for this year is Towards a Net-Zero Future.
For further information, please see here.
■Online Seminar of Institute for Social Sciences Research (ISSR), University of Dundee
14 October 2021, Online
"Links to the business and human rights governance constellation"
This seminar is part of the ISSR series "A framework treaty on business and human rights: Interdisciplinary insights".
This panel will consider how a business and human rights framework treaty should connect with wider institutions and mechanisms of business and human rights governance, for instance, in the International Labour Organisation and Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development.
For further information, please see here.
■81st Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (AOM)
29 July - 4 August 2021, Online
For a field named “management,” it is odd how little of our focus is on “managers,” whether at the frontline, middle, or executive level, or at the organizational, geographic, or global level. The tenor of our time suggests that seeking to help managers deal with the issues confronting them would be a valuable contribution to the world we live in.
For further information, please see here.
■7th International Conference on CSR, Sustainability, Ethics & Governance of Global Corporate Governance Institute (GCG)
23-25 June 2021, Lisbon, Portugal & Online
The conference is organized by Lisbon Accounting and Business School at Lisbon Polytechnic Institute in collaboration with the Global Corporate Governance Institute. The event is one of the largest international conferences focusing on responsible business with delegates from over 40 nations expected to present their latest research and its practical implications for business, society, academia and politics.
For further information, please see here.
■20th European Conference on Research Methodology (ECRM) for Business and Management Studies
17-18 June 2021, Online
This event has been held in countries across Europe, including Ireland, England, France, Malta, Portugal, Spain to mention only a few of the countries who have hosted it. The conference is generally attended by participants from more than 25 countries. The Electronic Journal of Business Research Methods (indexed by Scopus) publishes a special edition of the best papers presented at this conference.
For further information, please see here.
■International Association for Business and Society (IABS) Annual Conference 2021
3-6 June 2021, Brussels, Belgium & Online
For further information, please see here.
■33rd Annual Conference of European Business Ethics Network (EBEN) 2021
June 2021, Saint Petersburg, Russia
This Conference will be devoted to self-regulation of ethical behavior in the markets. It is a great opportunity to discuss the experience of self-regulation and share best practices to improve ethical behavior in the market.
For further information, please see here.
■2nd International Conference of EBEN Romania
14 May 2021, Online
The 2nd International Conference Global Ethics Key of Sustainability aims to bring together academics, researchers and professionals from across the globe to present and discuss about new challenges in social and economic environment from the ethics perspective.
For further information, please see here.