


■10th Annual Australasian Business Ethics Network (ABEN) Conference 2020

7-8 December 2020, Online

The theme for this year’s conference is Not Business as Usual: Ethics, Sustainability and Innovation. This year’s ABEN conference provides an opportunity to explore and debate the central role of business ethics in organisations’ innovation and sustainability discourse. Emphasis will be placed on how new pressures in organisations arise and how business ethics can become an integral component, rather than an afterthought, of the organisation’s innovation and sustainability responses to these dynamic and emerging challenges.

For further information, please see here.




■19th Academy of Business in Society (ABIS) Annual Colloquium 2020

24-25 November 2020, Online

“Coming full circle? Sustainability and future-proof global recovery.” The crisis has the potential to be a watershed in shaping a sustainable future. This perspective can lead to the development of more responsible innovation and business practices, thereby transitioning to a circular economy – where materials are reused, re-manufactured or recycled -, to regenerative, community-based models, which preserve and restore the social and ecological environments, and to more resilient and inclusive societies.

For further information, please see here.


■5th Sustainability Conference 2020

20-22 November 2020 at Meiji University in Tokyo, Japan

The aim of this conference is “Embedding the UN Sustainable Development Goals: The role of business, governments, organizations, and the academe”. The purpose is to advance sustainability research and discussion by mapping where sustainability theory and practice is heading, with a thorough grounding in what has come before.

For further information, please see here.




■The 3rd Global Corporate Sustainability Forum (GCSF)

28 October, 4 and 11 November 2020, Online

The 3rd GCSF in 2020 focuses on “the 3Is”: Innovation, Investment, and Inclusiveness, . A series of more than ten seminars and workshops are planned. It is foreseeable that through the sharing, interaction, and communication among industry, government, academics, and research institutions, a solution to corporate sustainability in the “post-pandemic era” will be discovered.

For further information, please see here.




■Responsible Business Europe 2020

22-26 October 2020, Online

They will convene 6,000+ global peers, CEOs, CSOs, CFOs, Heads of Sustainability, ESG Investment and Communications for a 3-day live virtual event, followed by a week of virtual VIP workshops, to share strategies and practical ideas on how business can innovate, invest and collaborate in the biggest challenge that has been faced in our lifetimes – putting a clean and just transition at the heart of the global post-pandemic recovery.

For further information, please see here.




■80th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (AOM)

7-11 August 2020, Online  

Meeting Theme: 20/20 Broadening our Sight.

The most pressing challenges in the 21st century are directly or indirectly related to management and organizations: conflict, discrimination, corruption, well-being, economic opportunity and equality, and climate change. Using the 20/20 vision analogy, which means that we can see things more clearly, the 2020 theme invites members to break down dichotomies and broaden the way we “see” management and organizations and our own profession. For further information, please see here.




■7th International Conference on CSR, Sustainability, Ethics & Governance

24-26 June 2020 in Lisbon, Portugal

→ Postponed to 23-25 June 2021 

The conference is one of the largest international conferences focusing on responsible business with delegates from over 40 nations expected to present their latest research and its practical implications for business, society, academia and politics. It will be an excellent platform to deliberate upon global themes of Corporate Social Responsibility, sustainability, ethics and governance in all their various dimensions.

For further information, please see here.


■EBEN Annual Conference 2020

23-26 June 2020 in Saint Petersburg, Russia

→ Postponed to June 2021 

This Conference will be devoted to self-regulation of ethical behavior in the markets. It is a great opportunity to discuss the experience of self-regulation and share best practices to improve ethical behavior in the market.

For further information, please see here.


19th European Conference on Research Methodology (ECRM) for Business and Management Studies

18-19 June 2020 in Aveiro, Portugal → Postponed 

ECRM for Business and Management Studies has been held in countries across Europe, including Ireland, England, France, Malta, Portugal, Spain to mention only a few of the countries who have hosted it. The conference is generally attended by participants from more than 25 countries. The Electronic Journal of Business Research Methods (indexed by Scopus) publishes a special edition of the best papers presented at this conference.

For further information, please see here.


■International Association for Business and Society (IABS) 2020 Annual Conference

4-7 June 2020 in Lisbon, Portugal → Cancelled

The conference theme for 2020 is EXPLORATION : KNOWN + UNKNOWN. Proposals for papers can be submitted at: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=iabs20200.

More information about the conference, including accommodations, social events, and logistics will be available soon at: https://www.iabs.net/register.

For further information, please see here.




■19th Responsible Business Summit Europe 2020

26-28 May 2020 in London, UK

→ Postponed to 22-26 October 2020, Online 

We've been taking from the environmental future for the economic present and we're now on the cusp of a decade of consequences. We need action. New ways of collaborating. New business models. New forms of investments. This is the only forum bringing together senior leaders from across the globe to debate new ideas and share how they're business is delivering the required action.

For further information, please see here.