


■5th Annual International Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship (IE 2015)

14-15 December 2015 in Singapore

Innovation is the introduction and creation of something new, in the form of an idea, skill, product, service or process, that helps improve an organization or society. The Annual International Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship (IE) hopes to introduce a wider view of innovation as new methods of creating value, and to focus on research that study innovative processes, organizational practices, systems, supply chain design and other mechanisms that are related to operations in practice.

For further information, please see here.




■ABIS Annual Colloquium 2015 Global Sustainability and Strategy Management: New Philosophy and Models for Sustainable Living

20-21 October 2015 in SDA Bocconi School of Management, Bocconi University, Milan, Italy

Inspired by the central theme of the World Expo 2015 in Milan, the 14th Annual Colloquium will address new philosophies and models for sustainable living. Is it possible to ensure sufficient, good, healthy and sustainable food for all mankind? This is the question that underpins the central theme of the World Expo 2015 in Milan. The aim of the 14th ABIS Colloquium is to be an integral part of the global dialogues around the theme of Expo 2015 - Feeding the Planet, Energy for Life. Hence, the working title of the ABIS Colloquium is GLOBAL SUSTAINABILITY AND STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT: New Philosophy and Models for Sustainable Living. For further information, please see here.




■10th European Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship - ECIE 2015

17-18 September 2015 University of Genoa, Italy

The conference provides an international opportunity for scientific discussion and collaboration on a broad range of relevant fertile areas associated to recent trends in innovation. Over the last years, there is a growing recognition in business environments of the key role played by innovation in the creation and success of businesses. In a dynamic environment, uncertain contexts like those we are currently experiencing, the capacity and necessary attitude for creating new firms is fundamental and the probability of success is largely determined by innovation. At the same time there is a growing recognition of the need of more sustainable innovation, combining economic, ecologic and social aspects. These challenges combined with limited internal resources and high risk and complexity enhance (social) networking in innovation and entrepreneurship. At the same time, policy makers face important challenges to stimulate and provide the necessary means for innovation and entrepreneurship. For further information, please see here.



■Second International CSR, Sustainability, Ethics & Governance Conference

29 - 31 July 2015 in Nanjing, China

The 2nd CSR conference will present the current CSR models and practices, as well as the next generation of issues that business leaders and society will face. This conference aims to provide a common platform to the corporate, government agencies, NGOs, academics and the other groups to share their expectations, aspirations and responsibilities. Conference also has the objective to bring together representatives from various parts of the globe to share their experiences, challenges and opportunities.

Presentations, workshops and debates will highlight the need of the day and how these issues are being addressed around the world nowadays. The conference will certainly lead to the new frameworks, concepts, tools and techniques to integrate social responsibility throughout the business operations to achieve the highest levels of sustainable success. For further information, please see here.




■EBEN 28th Annual Conference, Istanbul 2015

26-28 June 2015 in Istanbul, Turkey

EBEN has a long tradition of organising their Annual Conferences where both academics and practitioners network, share their experiences and learn from each other.

The 2015 Annual Conference will take place in Istanbul (Turkey), June 26-18 with the theme "Business Ethics, Peace and Environmental Issues". For further information, please see here.




■14th Annual Responsible Business Summit 2015

18-19 May 2015 in London, UK

Ethical Corporation’s Responsible Business Summit is Europe’s most prominent meeting place to find out where business leaders and innovators are headed around their sustainability and CSR strategy – so you can be a leader too.

Attendees will get first hand insights from 400+ senior-level executives from European’s top corporate brands on how they innovate, embed and collaborate on responsible business issues. For further information, please see here.




■3rd International Conference of Nepalese Academy of Management on Transforming Management System for Innovation, Development and Governance

27- 29 March 2015 in Tribhuvan University, Nepal

The 3rd international conference of Nepalese Academy of Management (NAM) will be held at the heart of Kathmandu city March 27-29, 2015. They invite faculty, research scholars, doctoral students as well as business practitioners to submit papers and panels addressing all areas of management, development, and economics relating to the theme: Transforming Management system for Innovations, Development and Governance. For further information, please see here.


■2015 Annual Meeting of the International Association of Business and Society (IABS)

12- 15 March 2015 Hilton Papagayo Resort, Guanacaste Costa Ricain, Costa Rica

The conference theme invites reflection on how our teaching, research and service activities facilitate the pursuit of eudemonia in business and society. How does our work connect us to the environment, with each other and with ourselves? Are we engaged in a balanced execution of virtuous behavior? How do our economic, political and social ideologies foster or inhibit virtue? How do these same ideologies influence the questions we ask? The manner we investigate these questions? The conclusions we draw? Do our paradigms serve to realize pura vida, or do they keep us from it? How do we help our students to pursue pura vida? Do we model it for our students? How do our service activities or engagement in our communities inside and outside the university reflect pura vida or “living the best life”? To what extent does our research theorize and measure eudemonia by corporations and other organizations in relation to society? For further information, please see here.