■ABIS Annual Colloquium 2014 Transforming Tomorrow: Leadership for a Sustainable Future
9- 11 December 2014 in Churchill Collage, University of Cambridge, UK
The ABIS Annual Colloquium is a thought leadership forum in which business meets academia and society to explore core dimensions of the future contribution of business to sustainable globalisation. For further information, please see here.
■The Journal of Corporate Citizenship, Special Issue: Japanese Approaches to CSR, Issue 56
How is Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) understood and managed in Japanese business and how is it part of ‘good’ corporate governance? The discussion on CSR has grown rapidly and internationally over the last two decades in both business and academic communities, and during the past decade the debate has also spread to and throughout Japan. The current CSR movement has been developed in European and Anglo-American contexts, based on principles of market, industrial, business and social structures. However, CSR also has taken root in other countries and regions, including Japan, and the development of CSR is at different stages throughout these territories.
This special issue of the Journal of Corporate Citizenship discusses how Japanese corporations respond to the CSR movement, the extent to which they embed CSR in management processes, and how they diffuse CSR policy throughout their overseas subsidiaries. It also analyzes the challenges corporations are facing in ensuring CSR systems function within their organizations and in contributing to global sustainable development. This special issue intends to shine a light on the current CSR situation of Japanese companies, as well as identify some of the key challenges faced in the processes of embedding CSR into management processes and of operating CSR practices in international contexts.
For further information, please see here.
■6th International Conference on Corporate Sustainability and Responsibility
8 - 9 October 2014 in Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Germany
The conference will focus on “Innovating for Sustainability” by exploring the integration of the vast knowledge we possess on organizational and product innovation with the work on CSR. Given the challenge to global sustainability, incremental improvements are not enough to meet this challenge. Instead, sustainability-driven creative destruction increases the likelihood to improve companies' and societies' value creation.
In Plenary and 32 Parallel Sessions of the conference various topics of current relevance will be presented and discussed, among them:
•Multi-stakeholder governance
•Sustainability and innovation
•Investors and sustainability
•Embedding sustainability into organizations
•CSR networks and cooperation
•Responsible supply chain management
•Measuring, reporting, evaluating, rating CSR
•Internal and external communications of CSR
•Social innovation
•Social entrepreneurship
They invite submissions of individual papers and panel proposals for the Conference, and the submission deadline is May 31st, 2014. For further information regarding the CFP, please see here.
■9th European Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship - ECIE 2014
18 - 19 September 2014 in University of Ulster, United Kingdom
At this conference, an important European innovation and entrepreneurship challenge of enhancing the development of the social economy sector will be underlined.
The School for Social Enterprises in Ireland is the leading provider of management and enterprise development for the social economy sector. In terms of exploiting further innovation adoption in the social economy sector it is imperative to balance the needs of society, appropriate technology and service solutions with sustainable business models. This is an increasingly important challenge for European innovators, especially with the complex challenges of national healthcare systems, sustainable energy solutions, social isolation and community cohesion. Moreover, there is enormous untapped potential to extrapolate successful grassroots social enterprise business models in order to create secondary markets, thus spreading social impact to other communities.
Participants will debate the methods, business models and share best practices and case studies that not only articulate the traditional business logic, but also how these innovations better service the public and benefit society?
■International CSR, Sustainability, Ethics, & Governance Conference
14 - 16 August 2014 in University of Surrey, London, United Kingdom
In a global economy, no business or form of commerce is an island unto itself. Rapid and dynamic changes in technology, markets, political and legal institutions, and indeed cultures, have all created new challenges. In such a global context, no scholar, no discipline, no university, no think tank, no NGO, no form of media, can remain an island unto itself. In order to overcome the myopia of limited perspectives, outworn doctrines, tired prior agendas, and vested interests, a new organization has been created: Global Corporate Governance / Corporate Social Responsibility.
The aim of the institute is to bring together scholars from many fields along with business/academic/cultural/religious and political leaders to form a global alliance dedicated to rethinking and integrating value issues into management practice, education and development.
The three-days conference is the first conference held by the institute.
・Abstract Submission Deadline: 15 February 2014
・Full Paper Submission Deadline: 1 March 2014
For further information, please see here
■ 2014 Annual Meeting of the Int'l Asso. for Business & Society(IABS) Conf.
19 - 22 June 2014 in Sydney, Australia
Theme: Reclaiming the Societal Dimension: New Perspectives on 'Society & Business'
The theme of the 25th anniversary IABS conference to be held in June 2014 invites you to consider the broader societal, normative and political objectives of our field. Let’s turn our field ‘upside-down down-under’! Can CSR be transformational of business organisations? Do we need to re-think the role and purpose of business in the context of global social and environmental challenges? Does CSR and our society and business theorising have sufficient intellectual strength to consider fundamental change in the society and business relationship?
The 2014 conference will also be the 25th anniversary IABS conference we will also be seeking input and reflections from the founders of our movement. Further details will be posted on : http://www.iabs.net
■Responsible Business Summit
19 - 20 May 2014 in London, United Kingdom
Responsible Business Summit
The Responsible Business Summit is Europe's leading and meeting place for business professionals looking to put sustainability at the heart of business growth. It brings together the CEOs and C-Suite from leading multinationals plus heads of CSR, SRI as well as key stakeholders such as NGOs and academics to discuss the future of sustainability.
Board members give a different perspective to CSR execs – they know where sustainability is heading and can share the decisions and strategies that will have impact on you. Three tracks will run parallel over the two days to allow you to tailor both days to your specific needs.
■International Conference on Law, Society and Sustainable Development
17 - 18 February 2014 in Nirma University, Ahmedabad, India
Considering the context of present-day global society, it seems pertinent to define the idea of sustainable development and relate it with the socio-politico-legal framework to achieve the global development. Sustainability is a global question and, hence, needs to be addressed globally and collectively. 'To each according to her needs and to each according to her ability' seems a defining principle of sustainable social justice. The present-day model of development has a flip-side, that has led to a visible harm to natural resources and creation of growing inequality, globally.
To what extent law can be instrumental in achieving the millennium goals set by UN, needs to be deliberated and discussed in the conference. Since sustainability presupposes a multidisciplinary approach to deal, with its challenges and to achieve its objectives the conference invites all the stakeholders to participate and deliberate like International regulatory bodies, advocates, International and National NGOs, Regulatory bodies, Government Departments, Educational Institutes, students etc.
■the World CSR Congress & Global CSR Excellence & Leadership Awards
17 - 18 February 2014 in Taj Lands End, Mumbai, India
The World CSR Congress will be guided by leaders who believe in the value of Sustainable CSR which is built in the fabric of business - making it a reality. It aims to spread the message of Sustainable CSR which makes a difference to the community at large, and to unite for a common cause - Making the world come together to observe this day as a World CSR Congress each year.
The main theme of the congress in 2014 is "CSR : GOOD TO GREAT – THE PATH AHEAD".
The Social Innovation Conference & Awards, the Global Sustainability Conference & Awards, and the Global Green Future Summit & Leadership Awards are also scheduled on 17-18th February, 2014.