


■Sustainability Conference

13 - 15 November 2013 in Albany Campus, Massey University, Auckland, New Zealand


The theme of this conference is "Sustainability rhetoric: facts and fictions".

The social, environmental, economic and cultural aspects of sustainability have never been more relevant to the understanding of management and organisations. Recent years have witnessed an explosion of interest, research and debate as sustainability has been transformed from a marginal to a mainstream practitioner and academic concern. In this age where sustainability is accepted as the norm and businesses make concerted efforts to showcase their social responsibility, why are the incidents of irresponsibility and un-sustainable behaviour becoming even more prevalent?.




■2013 ABIS Colloquium: "Sustainability & Finance"

15 - 17 October 2013 in NyenRode Business Unibersity, Breukelen, the Netherlands

ABIS and Nyenrode Business University, the hosts of ABIS 2013 Annual Colloquium, announced the deadline for submissions of contributions until Friday 9 August.

The central theme of this year’s conference is “Sustainability and Finance”. Proposed inputs of 1000 – 1500 words max. are welcomed from business, academia, consulting, policy and NGOs alike. The conference embraces a wide range of themes: contributions are welcome on topics as diverse as trust and reputation, systems reform, impact investing, valuing sustainability performance, financing new business models, governance and ethics, and innovation in management & financial education.

For further information of the conference, see the official conference website.




■Strategic Management Society 33rd International Annual Conference

28 September - 1 October 2013 in Atlanta, USA


The theme of this conference is "Strategy and Sustainability".

Sustainability, the capacity to endure, has become a topic of global concern in recent years, but it has long been a concept central to strategic management. Though much has been learned over the years about how firms develop, acquire, and utilize resources to create sustainable competitive advantage, fundamental changes in competitive environments and in social concerns raise a relatively new and unaddressed set of issues in strategic management research and practice which present an opportunity to revisit our notions of sustainability. The 33rd SMS Annual International Conference in Atlanta will provide a forum for considering emerging and evolving notions of sustainability in strategy research and practice.


■Engineering Education for Sustainable Development EESD13

22-25 September 2013 in Cambridge, UK


The Conference will explore how to develop the new skills needed by engineers so they can be more effective in dealing with messy problems in an increasingly complex and constrained world. A key theme will also be to reflect on how successful graduates who have received a sustainable development education have been in their subsequent working lives, as well as how useful their wider approach has been to their employers. The conference is the premiere forum for the dissemination of new advances in the evolution of sustainable development thinking in young engineers and will bring together students, academics, graduates and practising engineers to rethink the professional engineer's role and responsibilities in modern society.


■8th European Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship - ECIE 2013

19-20 September 2013 in Hogeschool-Universiteit Brussel (HUBrussel), Brussels, Belgium


The conference provides opportunities for scientific discussion and collaboration at an international level over a broad range of relevant fertile areas associated with recent trends in innovation and entrepreneurship. During recent years, there has been growing recognition in business environments of the key role played by innovation and entrepreneurship in the creation and success of businesses. In a dynamic environment with uncertain contexts like those we are currently experiencing, the capacity and right approach for creating new firms is fundamental and the probability of success is largely determined by innovation. At the same time there is growing recognition of the need for more sustainable innovation, combining economic, ecological and social aspects. In this setting (networking in) innovation in business and policy making go hand in hand.




■EURAM 13th Annual Conference

26 - 29 June 2013 in Istanbul, Turkey


The theme of this conference is "Democratising Management".

Demands for democracy in different parts of the world have recently drawn global attention. Business as one of the major power centres in modern society may not stay out of the scope of the social demands for democracy. Thus, the new outlook of the world may encourage us to reflect about the notion of democracy in the context of business organisations, and the ways in which it could be introduced or enhanced. Current debates in management point to the need for reassessment of existing structures, processes, inter and intra organisational relations and management practices for a fair treatment of different stakeholders’ interests. As a governance system that focuses on the supreme goal to include diverse opinions and views into the functioning of society, democracy may represent a novel (maybe even revolutionary) way to think about, govern and act in the management of business activities as well.


■Global Forum on Responsible Business Conduct

26 - 27 June 2013 at OECD Conference Center in Paris, France


‌The launch of the Global Forum on Responsible Business Conduct comes at a time of unprecedented international convergence and coherence on what constitutes responsible business conduct. The Global Forum will strengthen the international dialogue on responsible business conduct and contribute to the effective implementation of the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises.

The Global Forum will bring together government, business, trade union, civil society and international organisation representatives to address the core challenge of how to do well while doing no harm in an effort to contribute to sustainable development and enduring social progress.


■International Conference "Beyond Business as Usual. CSR trends"

20 - 21 June 2013 in Lodz, Poland


The role of business in society is changing. Business is less and less described only through the prism of economic categories. Increasingly it is a source of innovations that can help to solve important social and environmental problems. The concept of a corporate social responsibility (CSR) brings an important contribution to this picture of business. CSR has an increasing impact on shaping the relationship between business and society. One can observe the development of a number of topics related to corporate responsibility which will be probably dominant trends of enterprises’ strategy in the near future.




■ International Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship (ICIE-2013)

4-5 March 2013 at The Hashemite University, Amman, Jordan


This conference aims to explore policies, measures and mechanisms for promoting innovation and entrepreneurship in various areas. Economic and organizational value creation is currently strongly embodied and embedded in innovation and entrepreneurship strategies and capabilities. Discovering and learning about those approaches can reflect the companies and nations adaptive capacity, both internally and externally.




■VI Annual Conference ESADE's Institute for Social Innovation

20th February 2013,at ESADE, Barcelona, Spain


The main theme of the annual conference is "Promoting Social Innovation through Collaboration".

Collaboration between business and non-profit organisations is being increasingly seen as one of the main avenues for social innovation. At this year's Annual Conference, the Institute for Social Innovation aims to share experiences and reflect on a wide range of forms and degrees of collaboration capable of generating social innovation both in civil society as well as for the organisations concerned. The complexity of today's challenges effectively demand a joint response that, from the viewpoint of social innovation, should succeed in bringing together different actors, knowledge, procedures and resources.