■The 38th Annual Conference of the European International Business Academy (EIBA)
6-9 December 2012 at the University of Sussex, Brighton, UK
The theme of the conference is 'International Business and Sustainable Development', and the conference seeks to address how international business contributes to this process.
The greater integration of goods, factor and capital markets means that countries are ever more interdependent. The impressive growth rates of many emerging economies, not just the BRICs but other countries in Asia, Eastern Europe and even Africa, are stimulating a new international economic order. Direct investments by MNEs and SMEs in developing and emerging economies are on the rise, but so too are investments in developed countries by firms from emerging economies. Consumer needs and expectations are evolving worldwide. Many firms are adjusting their supply chains to take advantage of these global developments, and the outsourcing and offshoring of both manufacturing and service activities are increasingly important phenomena. At the same time, firms are increasingly being held responsible for their impact of their international activities upon people and upon the environment.
■TBLI Conference Europe 2012
8-9 November 2012 at Swissôtel Zurich, Switzerland
The prime annual global networking and learning event on Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) and Impact Investing. Theme for 2012 is "Why Occupy? Try TBLI".
■International Greening Education Event 2012
10-12 October 2012 in Karlsruhe, Germany
The event provides an exclusive forum to: examine how climate change, depleting natural resources, loss of biodiversity and other environmental threats are affecting education sector; deliberate on why and how to embed sustainability in curricula, courses and teaching material; debate on the ways to make educational institutions a part of the solution to address the evolving environmental, social and economic issues; discuss success stories, challenges and best practices for greening education; and get insights on how education is being reshaped to meet the requirements of the 21st century.
■5th International Conference on Corporate Social Responsibility
4-6 October 2012 at Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany
The debate on the role and impact of CSR on corporate, manager and stakeholder behavior and practice continues to rage. There are now many standards, many types of certification and monitoring programs, many accrediting agencies, numerous conferences generated by the stakeholder groups and associations, and many entities able to put their expectations about corporate behaviors and practices in front of corporations. The result of this proliferation is a degree of confusion and the need for consolidation.
Furthermore, the growing economic and political importance of emerging market countries and corporations – that in many cases have ideologies, cultures, and economic traditions different from those that dominated the last two centuries – suggests that the Western model of CSR that dominates academic, media and corporate debate may not be the most appropriate one.
What are the implications of these dynamics for CSR? The conference will focus on the future of CSR by exploring whether more collaboration between the most relevant global entities can bring more consistency across different institutions. Rather than looking at what is the potentiality of CSR the goal of the conference is to examine very specifically the science behind CSR and behavior and the actual managerial practices that work.
■Doctoral Workshop Preceding the 5th International CSR Conference
3 October 2012 at Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany
Inaugurated in 2004 as a platform for multi-stakeholder dialogue, the Humboldt-University CSR conference series has established itself as the world's premier international forum for exploring the global themes of corporate social responsibility (CSR) and sustainability in all their various dimensions. The doctoral workshop took place for the first time in 2010 and it attracted more than 50 participants from diverse national backgrounds.
This year’s workshop will particularly address interdisciplinary research in the fields of sustainability and CSR in a globalized context. The workshop offers PhD candidates a unique possibility to present and discuss their research projects in an inspiring academic community of both fellow PhD students and experienced researchers.
■7th European Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship (ECIE-2012)
20-21 September 2012 at Escola Superior de Gestão e Tecnologia, Instituto Politécnico de Santarém, Santarém, Portugal
Innovation and entrepreneurship are tightly coupled concepts. Innovation involves designing new ways of conceptualising, developing and producing a range of goods and services which society requires. Although inventing new things may be seen as part of innovation, innovation does not exclusively rely on new discoveries. Rather it can stem from simply seeing new ways of satisfying demand. Thus innovation is not a synonym for invention and almost anyone can come up with new innovations.
Entrepreneurship adds a further dimension to how new ideas are converted into goods and services. Entrepreneurship is sometimes said to be a mindset required to convert innovation into a real business situation which will deliver benefits to the stakeholders. Entrepreneurship is always driven by an individual or a small group of individuals who are referred to as entrepreneurs and who are sometimes colloquially referred to as the ‘movers and shakers’ in our society. Thus the entrepreneur configures the various factors of products to that they become a viable proposition.
■11th Annual EABIS Colloquium
3-4 July 2012 at IMD Business School, Lausanne, Switzerland
The theme of the annual Colloquium is 'Sustainability, strategic innovation & entrepreneurship'. The emphasis of the event will be on
1) whether, why and how sustainability can be a key driver for innovation,
2) identification of synergies between sustainability and innovation success,
and of
3) product, process and systemic innovative solutions that leverage sustainability issues and turn them into opportunities for companies, thus contributing to competitive advantage and leadership.
■11th International Congress on Public and Non-Profit Marketing
14-15 June 2012 at Mykolas Romeris University, Vilnius, Lithuania
The theme of the Congress is 'Ethics, Sustainable Consumption and Other Current Challenges for Public and Non-Profit Marketing'.
■EURAM Annual Conference 2012
6-8 June 2012 at Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University, Rotterdam, Netherland
The theme of the Congress is 'Social Innovation for Competitiveness, Organisational Performance and Human Excellence'. Innovation is considered to be the primary driving force of progress and prosperity. Consequently, much effort is put in developing new technical knowledge, new process technologies and products. However, evidence from both large firms and SMEs shows that successful innovation is not just the result of technological inventions, but is also heavily dependent on what has been called “social innovation”.
The EURAM’12 tracks are structured by Special Interest Group (SIG). At EURAM there are 13 SIGs which are:
■TBLI Conference Asia 2012
24-25 May 2012 at Sheraton Hong Kong Hotel & Towers, Hong Kong
The prime annual global networking and learning event on Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) and Impact Investing. Theme for 2012 is "Why Occupy? Try TBLI".
■Academic Writing Seminar
9 May 2012 at Reading University, Reading, UK
Finishing off your Dissertation or Thesis can be troublesome. What is needed is a checklist to ensure that the issues which demand attention have been dealt with. This seminar addresses all of these. At the end of a research degree there should be adequate material for at least one publication in a peer reviewed academic journal. However few research degree candidates know how to go about presenting their work to an editor so that it will have a reasonable prospect of being published. This seminar provides advice about how to go about having a paper published.
■ICCSR 10th Anniversary Conference
26-27 April 2012 at Nottingham University Business School, Nottingham UK
CSR has emerged as both a sub-field of business and management studies and as a basic management concept. In essence it refers to business responsibility to and for society but the meaning of these terms alone has provoked controversy.
So where is CSR going? Is this just a matter of issues and context? Or is CSR acquiring some stable attributes? If, so what are these attributes and what explains them? Is CSR becoming institutionalised, and again, if so how and why? Is the future CSR more about accountability, a business case, ethics, sustainability, or even compliance?
The conference will combine practitioner and academic keynote presentations and practitioner and academic panels which will address the broad question of CSR futures.
■Business in the Community: Responsible Business Convention 2012
14-15 March 2012 at Business Design Center, London, UK
■EABIS and Yale University: Practical Wisdom from the Indian Traditions
12-13 January 2012 at the Indian Institute of Management in Kozhikode, Kerala, India