■The 2nd PRME Asian Forum: Responsible Management Education as a Driver for Business Success
26 November 2011 at Tsinghua University School of Economics and Management in Beijing, China
The School of Economics and Management at Tsinghua University, in partnership with the Principles for Responsible Management Education (PRME) Secretariat, and the Association of Asia-Pacific Business Schools (AAPBS), will create a platform for both industry and academia to exchange ideas about the impact of management education on business behaviors.
With the theme “Responsible Management Education as a Driver for Business Success”, this forum will promote the collaboration between leading business schools and socially responsible corporations to share experiences, to extend the spirit of PRME in Asia, and to further explore the possible influence of responsible management education on business.
■Socially Responsible Investment: A Tool for Preventing Future European Sovereign Debt Crises?
10 October 2011 at Paris, France
The precarious situation of the sovereign debt market has driven changes in the political agenda of many European countries, often driven by the balance of payment and debt situation of the respective national governments. Analysis of social and environmental sustainability of countries and the related rankings offer a potential alternative to mainstream and dominantly financial analysis of sovereign bonds. The objective of the conference is to explore Socially Responsible Investments (SRI) in a broad sense and the potential role of non-financial criteria in the management of sovereign bonds.
■UNEP Finance Initiative Global Roundtable 2011
19-20 October 2011 at Washington DC, United States
Coming just seven months ahead of the landmark United Nations Rio+20 Earth Summit scheduled for May 2012 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, UNEP FI's 2011 Global Roundtable is the perfect opportunity to cast a spotlight on what the sustainable development agenda means for the world's finance, investment and insurance sectors. The agenda has been conceptualized to: 1) Bridge the gap between financial sector and policy-makers, and2) Discuss in depth the most pressing issues for the financial sector.
■EABIS 2011 Colloquium
A new era for development: The changing role & responsibilities of business in developing countries
26-28 October 2011, INSEAD, Fontainebleau, France
The rise in "south-south" trade has challenged the hegemony of western world norms in trade and business around transparency, governance and ethics. While more business is being done in developing countries, there is little agreement about the responsibilities of business in development. Food, health, poverty and education issues as well as corruption and bribery in developing countries also require urgent action from governments, business (and business schools) and NGOs. The response from business to these challenges will be potentially the single most important factor in determining whether a new era of development achieves the objective of sustainable and inclusive growth. The EABIS Annual Colloquium will address these challenges with an interdisciplinary approach including social sciences, economics, applied sciences &technology.
■EBEN (The European Business Ethics Network) Annual Conference 2011
15-17, September 2011 at Anwerp, Bergium
This year's 24th Annual Conference will take place in Antwerp, Belgium, September 15-17 and will be preceded by a Doctoral Workshop on September 14. Theme of this conference is "Dare to Care: building a caring organisation". Practitioners are invited as well.
Further topics to be considered include the following:
- The role of values in economic and business life
- Universal ethics and cultural diversity in business
- Corporate values and their effective integration in managing organisations
- Ethics and accountability instruments
- Business ethics and CSR in non profit organisations and in cooperatives
- The ethical basis of the stakeholder theory
- Business ethics and philosophical basis
- Ethical values and social responsibility in SMEs
- The role of institutions in rebuilding values in economic life
- Reason and functioning of stakeholder dialogue
- Best practices in business ethics and CSR
- Business ethics and CSR in the public sector
- The role of values in an economic crisis
- Cross-fertilization between for profit and non for profit sector
- Ethical strategy and ethical behaviour
- Sustainable corporate governance
- Values and codes of business conduct
- Religions as a source of values for business and leadership
- Ethical leadership
- Ethics training in organisations
- The impact of CSR and ethics on rebuilding trust in the financial and economic system
- Teaching business ethics and lifelong education
■6th European Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship
15-16 September 2011 at Aberdeen, Scotland
Innovation and entrepreneurship are tightly coupled concepts. Innovation involves designing new ways of conceptualising, developing and producing a range of goods and services which society requires.
Both innovation and entrepreneurship are generally under-researched and the advisory group for the conference invites submissions of both academic and practitioner papers on a wide range of topics and a wide range of scholarly approaches including theoretical and empirical papers.
■4th International Conference on Higher Education for Sustainable Development: »Higher Education for Sustainable Development: Moving the Agenda Forward«
14-16 September 2011 Leuphana University of Lüneburg, Germany.
Over the years there has been considerable progress in implementing sustainability into higher education institutions (HEIs). However, there is still a lot of work to be done to make sustainability a guiding principle in this educational area.
Therefore, after broader approaches taken in previous Higher Education for Sustainable Development (HESD) conferences chaired by the UNESCO, the 4th Conference is now focusing on new developments in key topics and dynamic regions:
-Management Education for Sustainable Development,
-Sustainable Consumption in Higher Education Institutions, and
-Higher Education for Sustainable Development in Central and Eastern Europe.
Based on thorough investigation of and reflection on current practice of HESD, the conference aims at initiating a dialogue on future perspectives and requirements in this educational area – until the end of the United Nations World Decade of “Education for Sustainable Development” and beyond.
12 July 2011, China
For decades economic growth has been the foremost priority on the political agenda in China, but in a recent declaration China's leaders have pronounced the building of a harmonious society as the official long-term goal in China and CSR is perceived as the private sector's contribution to this goal. The Chinese government has introduced new regulations aimed at strengthening corporate commitment to CSR, and Chinese firms are making significant efforts to add value within global supply chains. The conference is connected to the civil society dialogue on CSR and climate change in China that will also take place from the 13th to the 15th of July at UNNC.
■"Sustainable Community Business" Conference- Cape Breton University Shannon School of Business
13-15, July 2011 at Sydney, Canada
Community-based enterprises are a strong part of the Canadian economy for over a century and recent innovative practices have made the community business sector a hot topic in national vistas. This conference brings together practitioners, researchers, and community organizations, from home and afar, to discuss current practices, challenges, and emerging trends in community business.
3-4 May at London, UK
The Responsible Business Summit is the biggest and most comprehensive 2-dayevent on leadership in corporate responsibility. The 60+ speaker roster contains leading authorities from the world's highest performing responsible businesses including CEOs and Chairmen from PepsiCo, TNT, Innocent Drinks, Panasonic, Seventh Generation, Kraft, Alliance Boots and many more.
26-27 May, Tokyo, Japan
TBLI CONFERENCE consists of two annual conferences, in Europe as well as Asia in existence for over 12 years. These two-day events give the world's leaders on sustainability an opportunity to network and exchange information on the latest developments in screening, auditing, reporting, SRI analysis, corporate citizenship, indexes, and research.
■Symposium on CR and innovation "Thematic Broadening with Enterprise Innovation"
6-7 April at Dijon, France
The symposium is set out to become the first EABIS event in scoping out the theme innovation from a wide range of CR & sustainability-perspectives. Clearly there is a prominent trend of combining society, research and education – key EABIS focus points– with innovation (and technology). EABIS will make the event the starting point for amore strategic focus on enterprise innovation. The key focus areas of the programme will be on sustainability-driven innovation, management innovation, entrepreneurship andSMEs, organisational learning and change.
■INSEAD 25th Sustainability Executive Roundtable "Finance and Ethics"
11 March 2011 at Fontainebleau, France
The subprime crisis and surrounding developments have given rise to a new debate on how market forces and incentives are to be aligned with efficiency and with principles of transparency, sufficient to assure public legitimacy of our financial institutions. This is the central question that will occupy us for the 25th Sustainability Executive Roundtable. Practitioners and academics will confront their respective views, and explore new territories and financial practices to create value from business activity while respecting also the necessity that these practices be viewed as legitimate in their broader social context.
■Responsible Partnerships Exhibition
17-18 March at London, UK
The UBM Responsible Partnerships Exhibition is a new two day not-for-profit event for those involved in furthering their Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) activities in order to provide a more sustainable and equitable future. It features: 1) Over 150 charities and voluntary organisations as potential partners, 2) FREE seminars explaining how successful partnerships can be formed between corporate businesses and NGOs, and3) Expert Advice from leading CSR practitioners.
■Academic Symposium on Leadership for Climate Change and Sustainability
28 February at Melbourne, Australia
It will consider how responsible leaders can effect change and manage social and environmental impacts (including, for example, human rights, workplace well-being, carbon emissions, natural resource consumption, waste management, corruption) in private, public sector and non-governmental organisations and societies.
■European Conference on Shared Social Responsibility
28 February and 1 March 2011 at Brussels, Belgium
The Council of Europe - in partnership with the European Commission- is organising the "European Conference on Shared Social Responsibility". The event is open to public authorities, researchers, NGOs, civil society, etc., and its aim is to give a thoroughly European focus to our reflection on the question of responsibilities in forging the future of our designs for democracy, social justice, poverty alleviation, sustainability and communal living. A "European Charter on shared social responsibilities" is currently being drawn up and will be discussed before its final version during the first working day.