
第13回年次大会 / The 13th Annual Conference


"Expanding Ethical Dimensions: Exploring the Multifaceted Influences in a Global Business and Society



■日 程:2024年9月2日(月)~3日(火)

■場 所:慶應義塾大学日吉キャンパス 来往舎 →アクセス 


渋澤 健氏

"Capitalism and Social Innovation for Japan’s New Era"

 Dr.Ann-Marie Kennedy 

"Ethics within societal normative value change"




















・グローバル社会の相互関連性と 、 それがビジネスや社会に対して持つ倫理的意義を分析します。













PDFファイル 1.7 MB

 Call for Proposals (学術研究やケーススタディの報告) 

















Program Committee

・福川恭子(一橋大学商学部 教授/第13回大会委員長)

・岡田正大(慶應義塾大学大学院経営管理研究科 教授)




■日 程: 2024年9月2日(月)~3日(火)

■場 所: 慶應義塾大学日吉キャンパス

■テーマ: 企業と社会に関するテーマを広く歓迎します








大会参加申込み学生のうち希望者は、ドクトラル・ワークショップにオブザーバーとして参加することができます。希望者は、必ず事前にJFBS事務局 まで登録してください。



1. 参加申し込みを済ませただけでは、年次大会参加者として登録されませんのでご注意ください。参加申込みと参加費お支払いの完了をもって「登録参加者」となります。

2. お支払い方法としては、振込みか、クレジットカード決済をお選びいただけます。



JFBS 13th Annual Conference 2024

"Expanding Ethical Dimensions: Exploring the Multifaceted Influences in a Global Business and Society


: September 2nd - 3rd, 2024  
: Hiyoshi Campus, Keio University, Japan →Access

■Keynote speech title

Mr.Ken Shibusaya "Capitalism and Social Innovation for Japan’s New Era"
Dr.Ann-Marie Kennedy
 "Ethics within societal normative value change"

Expanding Ethical Dimensions: Exploring the Multifaceted Influences in a Global Business and Society

The 2024 Japan Forum of Business and Society (JFBS) Annual Conference will be held at Keio University in Japan. This conference aims to delve into the multifaceted dimensions of ethics in business and society, as their influences transcend traditional boundaries. It recognizes and embraces the diverse and fragmented nature of the contemporary global business environment while appreciating the complexity and interconnectedness of the global society. The conference seeks to foster a dialogue that integrates diverse cultural values, while challenging the notion of a singular, universally applicable set of values. Researchers, scholars, and practitioners are invited to contribute their insights on the ethical implications of the evolving business landscape and the globally interconnected societies.

Scope and Objectives:
1.Shedding a Light on Diverse Cultural Values and Perspectives
-Explore how a fusion of diverse cultural, philosophical, and scientific perspectives influences the concept of business, fosters innovation, and creates transformative changes in business and society.
-Analyze the ethical dimensions of emerging global trends in shaping the future of business. These treads include: Environmental Responsibility; Digital Transformation; E-commerce & Online Shopping; Remote Work and the Gig Economy; Sharing Economy; Data Privacy & Security; Ethical Consumerism; and Health & Wellness.
-Promote a global dialogue that embraces diverse perspectives and encourages the development of a holistic and inclusive ethical framework in business practices and consumption.
2.Asia as a Cultural Nexus: Historical Contributions and Contemporary Relevance
-Examine Asia's unique historical and contemporary contributions to ethics and their relevance to the world economy.
-Highlight Asian approaches to corporate social responsibility and sustainable practices.
-Explore the cultural, philosophical, and practical aspects of Asian values in the context of business ethics.
3.Beyond East vs. West: Embracing Global Perspectives
-Encourage diverse viewpoints and research contributions from around the world to enrich dialogues concerning ethics, responsibility and sustainability in business and consumption.
-Analyze the interconnectedness of global societies and its ethical implications for business and society.
-Examine the potential of non-Western perspectives to influence and shape global ethics in business and consumption.
-Embrace non-Western perspectives to challenge and broaden traditional frameworks of knowledge.
4.Ethics in the Changing Business Landscape:Technological Advancements and Sustainability
-Assess the ethical implications of technological advancements, including applications of artificial intelligence and quantum physics, on business and society.
-Explore responsible technological innovation and its role in shaping a more ethical and sustainable future.
-Examine the technological impact of evolving business practices on societal values, individual well-being, and ethical decision-making in corporate governance.

General topics on business and society are also welcome!



*For detailed program information, please refer to →  

Call for ProposalsResearchCase Study) 

We invite you to submit your proposals (either in English or Japanese) to info@j-fbs.jp

Program Committee 

Kyoko Fukukawa(Professor, Hitotsubashi University, Japan/Annual Conference Chairperson
Masahiro Okada (Professor, Keio University, Japan

Doctoral Consortium

DateSeptember 2nd - 3rd, 2024
Hiyoshi Campus, Keio University, Japan
Any themes related to Business and Society are welcome
For further details


Call for ProposalsResearchCase Study) 

We invite you to submit your proposals (either in English or Japanese) to info@j-fbs.jp


The "Early Bird" discounts are available if both the application form submission and payment of the participation fee are completed by August 16, 2024 (Japan Time).
Students (non-presenters) are invited to attend the doctoral workshop as guests. Those registered for the conference and interested in attending the workshop must register in advance.


Please Note

1. Conference registration will be considered complete only after we have confirmed both your payment of the participation fee and the submission of your registration form.

2. Payment can be made via either bank transfer or credit card.

3. Lunch is not included in the participation fee. Attendees are encouraged to explore nearby options for food and beverages.

The Doctoral Consortium

■Date:  September 2nd - 3rd, 2024

■Venue: Hiyoshi Campus, Keio University, Japan
Any themes related to Business and Society are welcome

The doctoral consortium offers Ph.D. candidates a unique possibility to present and discuss their research projects in an inspiring academic and practical community.


Call for Papers


Participants of the doctoral consortium will be selected by our program committee based on submitted abstracts of maximum 800 words.
Your proposals should indicate the stage of the Ph.D. process, the research question, central propositions, and the methodological design including your supervisor's name in a few pages A4 size file. Your applications should further include your current CV and an evidence that you are currently registered as Ph.D. students.

Participants chosen to present their researches should:
-- complete payment of a workshop fee
-- submit a conference paper by August 20th, 2024
finish between 3,500-4,500 words






日 程: 202492()3()
場 所:慶應義塾大学日吉キャンパス





アブストラクト、プロポーザル、CVはそれぞれ別々のPDFファイルに保存し提出物一式を事務局(info@j-fbs.jp) に提出してください。
