"Beyond Crises: People, Market, Society - Search for a New Normal Order "
■日 程: 2023年9月7日(木)~8日(金)
■場 所: 慶應義塾大学日吉キャンパス 来往舎 →アクセス
■協 力: TOPPAN
■テーマ: 危機を乗り越えて:人・市場・社会をめぐる新たなパラダイムへ
新型ウイルスによって繰り返されるパンデミック、気候変動によって頻発する自然災害、そして欧州・ユーラシア・アジアにおける地政学リスクなど、世界の不確実性は著しく増大しています。その結果、これまでのESGの潮流を無視するような混乱した状況が世界中に散見され、企業そして社会は様々な〈危機(Crises)〉に直面しています。また日本国内では、東日本大震災以降も毎年各地で自然災害が発生しており、われわれはこれら災害からの教訓をどのように企業や組織の経営に組み込むかが問われています。次々に我々を襲うこうした困難や課題を克服するためには、〈従来のやり方〉や<一時的な危機対応>だけでは根本的解決にはならず、今までの常識を打ち破る新たな発想やビジネスモデルの構築が求められています。こうした〈危機〉に関しては、すでにリスクマネジメントやBCM(Business Continuity
Management:事業継続マネジメント)、レジリエンス経営など様々な研究領域で活発に議論が行われてきています。こうした知見に加え、全くの異分野からの発想をも活用しながら、ポストコロナ時代における〈新しい日常や秩序:New Normal
1.危機と人間: 人間の安全保障、ビジネスと人権、ビジネスと政治、ビジネスと公正性、ビジネスと平和、危機を越えたWell-beingのあり方
2.危機と市場: 組織における危機管理、レジリエンス、サプライチェーン、災害時における利他性、BCP/BCM、新しいビジネスモデルの構築、アジャイル経営
3.危機と社会: 災害時における意思決定、ビジネスと環境問題、ボランティアマネジメント
Call for Proposals (学術研究やケーススタディの報告)
Program Committee
・土肥将敦(法政大学現代福祉学部 教授/第12回大会委員長)
・岡田正大(慶應義塾大学大学院経営管理研究科 教授)
■日 程: 2023年9月7日(木)~8日(金)
■場 所: 慶應義塾大学日吉キャンパス
■テーマ: 企業と社会に関するテーマを広く歓迎します
大会参加申込み学生のうち希望者は、ドクトラル・ワークショップにオブザーバーとして参加することができます。希望者は、必ず事前にJFBS事務局 まで登録してください。
1. 参加申し込みを済ませただけでは、年次大会参加者として登録されませんのでご注意ください。参加申込みと参加費お支払いの完了をもって「登録参加者」となります。
2. お支払い方法としては、振込みか、クレジットカード決済をお選びいただけます。
3. 登録参加者には、大会終了後、メイン会場録画アーカイブを御覧いただけるリンクを送付いたします。(準備ができ次第送付します。送付後2か月間有効です。)
JFBS 12th Annual Conference 2023
"Beyond Crises: People, Market, Society - Search for a New Normal Order "
■Date: September 7th - 8th, 2023
■Venue: Hiyoshi Campus, Keio University, Japan →Access
and Online (Zoom)
■Theme: Beyond Crises: People, Market, Society - Search for a New Normal Order
The 2023 Japan Forum of Business and Society (JFBS) Annual Conference will be held at Keio University in Japan. Our
theme, “Beyond Crises: People, Market, Society- Search for a New Normal Order,” speaks to reform and sustain strategies as corporations and their management adapt to the challenges of today’s
rapidly changing environment, such as the Covid-19 pandemic, climate changes, geopolitical crises, and natural disasters. In order to weather these storms, we believe it is not sufficient to
craft temporary countermeasures or improved conventional models, but to generate innovative business/social models by bringing in unconventional ways of thinking and value systems.
We invite scholars and practitioners from various disciplines and sectors to discuss emerging new paradigms in which we need to redefine the
relationships among people, market, and society. We especially focus on “crises” and “new normal order,” and discuss various challenges and themes relevant to more sustainable and successful
business and society.
Expected themes for submission include, but not limited to:
Human security, Business and human rights, Business and politics, Business and justice, Business and peace, Crises and well-being, Crisis management, Resilience, Supply chain management, Altruism
during the pandemic, Business continuity planning & management, New business models, Agile management, Decision making during a crisis, Business and environment, Volunteer management, and so
General topics on business and society are also welcome!
*For the detailed program, please see →
Call for Proposals (Research/Case Study)
Please submit a A4 one page proposal and add three keywords (either in English or Japanese) to JFBS Office.
Program Committee
・Masaatsu Doi (Professor, Hosei University, Japan / Annual Conference Chairperson )
・Masahiro Okada (Professor, Keio University, Japan)
Doctoral Consortium
■Date: September 7th - 8th, 2023
■Venue: Hiyoshi Campus, Keio University, Japan and Online (Zoom)
■Theme: Any themes related to Business and Society are welcome
→For details
The "Early Bird" discounts apply in case both submission of application form and payment of participation fee are completed by August 18, 2023 (Japan
We offer students (non-presenters) to attend the doctoral workshop as guests (seats are limited.) For those who have registered for the conference and would like to attend the workshop, please
register in advance at info@j-fbs.jp
【Please note】
* The registration for the conference will be completed after we confirm both your payment of the participation fee and submission of your registration
* For payment, please choose either a bank transfer or a credit card.
* Registered participants will be able to view archived videos of the main hall after the event. (The link for viewing will be notified as soon as it is ready after the conference. The link will
be valid for two months after notification.)
* Coffee, tea and small snacks are included. We hope you will make good use of this opportunity to enrich your network.
The Doctoral Consortium
■Date: September 7th - 8th, 2023
■Venue: Hiyoshi Campus, Keio University, Japan and Online (Zoom)
■Theme: Any themes related to Business and Society are welcome
The doctoral consortium offers Ph.D. candidates a unique possibility to present and discuss their research projects in an inspiring academic and practical community.
Call for Proposals
Participants of the doctoral consortium will be selected by our program committee based on submitted abstracts of maximum 800 words.
Your proposals should indicate the stage of the Ph.D. process, the research question, central propositions, and the methodological design including your supervisor's name in a few pages A4 size
file. Your applications should further include your current CV and an evidence that you are currently registered as Ph.D. students.
Participants chosen to present their researches should:
-- complete payment of a workshop fee
-- submit a conference paper by August 20th, 2023: finish between 3,500-4,500 words
■日 程: 2023年9月7日(木)~8日(金)
■場 所:慶應義塾大学日吉キャンパスおよびオンライン(Zoom)
1.1500 字のアブストラクト(概要)
アブストラクト、プロポーザル、CVはそれぞれ別々のPDFファイルに保存し提出物一式を事務局(info@j-fbs.jp) に提出してください。