■日 程: 2022年9月1日(木)~2日(金)
■場 所: 慶應義塾大学日吉キャンパス来往舎 →アクセス
■協 賛: TOPPAN
■後 援: IEEE Japan Council
■テーマ: デジタル・トランスフォーメーション(DX)による社会的価値の創出:持続可能性(SD)実現におけるデジタル技術の役割
企業経営、公的セクター、非営利セクターの如何を問わず、デジタル技術による変革(Digital Transformation, DX)は経営トップ喫緊の課題とされ、DX推進の勢いはとどまることを知りません。2000年前後を基点とするネット革命の潮流は、昨今のIoT、AI、データ分析手法、通信技術の急速な進歩によりさらに加速しています。さらに世界的なCOVID-19のパンデミックは、ITの果たす重要な役割を強く印象付けました。企業と社会はこうした変革を持続可能性を前提として進めていかねばなりません。
6.デジタル技術の発展への将来展望と課題:例)AIがもたらす技術的特異点(technological singularity)と社会の価値判断尺度との関係。責任の所在。


富士通 執行役員 Executive Vice President CIO、CDXO(最高デジタル変革責任者)補佐)
Call for Papers (研究報告/ケーススタディ)
全体テーマ「デジタル・トランスフォーメーション(DX)による社会的価値の創出:持続可能性(SD)実現におけるデジタル技術の役割」のもと、Call for Papersを行います。
Program Committee
■日 程: 2022年9月1日(木)~2日(金)
■場 所: 慶應義塾大学日吉キャンパスおよびオンライン(Zoom)
■テーマ: 企業と社会に関するテーマを広く歓迎します
■詳細は こちら
1. 参加申し込みを済ませただけでは、年次大会参加者として登録されませんのでご注意ください。参加申込みと参加費お支払いの完了をもって「登録参加者」となります。
2. 会場準備のため、年次大会当日の参加方法を事前に確認させていただきます。お支払いページの「その他お問い合わせ」欄に、「来場」または「オンライン参加」のどちらで参加予定か入力してください。
3. お支払い方法としては、振込みか、クレジットカード決済をお選びいただけます。
4. 登録参加者には、年次大会参加用Zoom URLを後日お知らせいたします。また、各セッション報告用レジュメが格納された「報告資料用フォルダ」および「パスワード」もあわせてお知らせいたします(2022年9月1日から10月31日までの2ヶ月間有効)。紙の節減のため、大会当日に報告要旨集を配布することはいたしません。各自資料を閲覧くださるようお願いいたします。
" Digital Transformation (DX) : Social Value Creation, Sustainability, and The Role of Digital Technologies "
■Date: September 1st - 2nd, 2022
■Venue: Raiosha, Hiyoshi Campus, Keio University, Japan →Access
and Online (Zoom)
■Cooperated by: TOPPAN
■Supported by IEEE Japan Council
■Theme: Digital Transformation (DX) : Social Value Creation, Sustainability, and The Role of Digital Technologies
* with Simultaneous Interpretation
The digital transformation (DX) is one of the major trends in society today. Regardless of whether you are in a private, public, or not-for-profit sector, DX is on top of the agenda of their management teams. With the rapid progress of IoT, AI, data analytics and telecom technologies, the thrust of IT revolution since the turn of this century is now gaining momentum even further. And the pandemic of COVID-19 reemphasizes the critical role of IT in estimating and controlling the pandemic. After all, business and society are urged to manage and execute these transformations in a sustainable way.
On the contrary to the importance of digital technologies, there also exists some institutional resistance, conscious or unconscious, against its rapid penetration into our real life influenced by profound changes in the ordinary way of work and traditional social structures and orders. For example, under Covid-19, some critics claimed that the excessive use of online teaching in universities is socially unacceptable. Despite such an embedded conflict between digital technologies and human societies, we recognize the positive value of these advanced technologies outweigh their downside when solving difficulties and inconveniences in society and pursuing well-being of the whole planet in a sustainable fashion.
The aim of this year’s Annual Meeting is for scholars and businesspersons from around the world to better understand the positive and negative impact of digital technologies on society and to examine how those technologies contribute to the sustainable development of business and society and strategies for creation of social value.
Examples of research topics include but not limited to:
1. The role of ICT and network in waste disposal, recycle and upcycle
2. Case studies in medical/health, agriculture, workplace, biodiversity conservation, security, recycle system, and sustainable tourism
3. Cashless system and the role of social capital: the impact of trust on the diffusion of fintech-based services
4. DX and the future of work: promotion of QWL and well-being, and solutions of possible downside of digital technologies including job loss, income gap caused by IT illiteracy, and others
5. CSR procurement system by utilizing block chain technologies
6. AI singularity and the value judgement system in society: who will be responsible?
General topics on Business and Society are also welcome!

Main Speaker
Prof. Miyata
School of Medicine, Keio University

Main Speaker
Fujitsu Ltd.
Call for Papers (Research/Case Study)
Please submit a A4 one page proposal for a single paper and add three keywords (either in English or Japanese) .
Program Committee
・Masahiro Okada (Professor, Keio University, Japan)
・Kanji Tanimoto
(Professor, Waseda University, Japan)
Doctoral Workshop
■Date: September 1st - 2nd, 2022
■Venue: Hiyoshi Campus, Keio University, Japan and Online (Zoom)
■Theme: Any themes related to Business and Society are welcome
→For details
The "Early Bird" discounts apply in case both submission of application form and payment of participation fee are completed by August 12, 2022 (Japan
We offer students (non-presenters) to attend the doctoral workshop as guests. For those who have registered for the conference and would like to attend the workshop, please register in
【Please note】
1. The registration for the conference will be completed after we confirm both your payment of the participation fee and submission of your registration form.
2. Please indicate whether you plan to participate "in person" or "online" in the "Other Inquiries" column of the payment form below.
3. For payment, please choose either a bank transfer or a credit card.
4. URL for the Zoom will be given to participants who have registered and paid for the conference.
5. Registered participants of the conference will receive a password to view presentation resumes (The password is to be valid for 2 months from September 1 to October 31, 2022). JFBS will not
provide proceedings in order to save papers.
6. Lunch is not included in the participation fee. Please help yourself to food and drink around the venue.
■Date: September 1st - 2nd, 2022
■Venue: Hiyoshi Campus, Keio University, Japan and Online (Zoom)
■Theme: Any themes related to Business and Society are welcome
The doctoral workshop offers PhD candidates a unique possibility to present and discuss their research projects in an inspiring academic and practical community.
Call for Papers
Participants of the doctoral workshop will be selected by our technical committee based on submitted abstracts of maximum 800 words.
Your proposals should indicate the stage of the PhD process, the research question, central propositions, and the methodological design including your supervisor's name in a few pages A4 size
file. Your applications should further include your current CV and a confirmation that you are currently registered as PhD students.
Participants chosen to present their researches should:
-- complete payment of a workshop fee
-- submit a conference paper by August 19th, 2022: finish between 3,500-4,500 words
■日 程: 2022年9月1日(木)~2日(金)
■場 所: 慶應義塾大学日吉キャンパスおよびオンライン(Zoom)
■テーマ: 企業と社会に関するテーマを広く歓迎します
・1500 字のアブストラクト/概要
アブストラクト、プロポーザル、CVはそれぞれ別々のPDFファイルに保存し、提出物一式を企業と社会フォーラム事務局(info@j-fbs.jp) 宛てに提出してください。