第33回東日本部会 開催概要 

日 時

2021年5月15日(土)13:30-16:50 (JST)

場 所


内 容


Digital Registration and access for the workshop

13:30-14:30 第1報告(30分)&議論(30分)


Workforce wellbeing and CSR strategies: Perspective of managers in large Japanese companies (日本語で報告)


小林一紀講師 (Management, Entrepreneurship & Innovation at Massey University, New Zealand)


In Japan, large companies face increasing pressure to improve workforce wellbeing and business performance. This study explores workforce wellbeing initiatives and CSR strategies promoted by large Japanese companies. Drawing from interviews with managers in 31 companies and their stakeholders, we identified four interconnected areas addressed as integral parts of CSR practices: gender equality, flexibility at work, regulating overwork, and productivity improvement. However, these companies find it difficult to incorporate the initiatives into CSR strategy due to emerging dilemmas.

14:40-15:40 第2報告(30分)&議論(30分)




吉田 賢一招聘研究員(早稲田大学ビジネス・ファイナンス研究センター)



15:50-16:50 第3報告(30分)&議論(30分)


Improving sustainability management performance using Blockchain technology


Prof. Michele John (Director of the Sustainable Engineering Group at Curtin University, Australia)


Societies need for sustainable food products is fast growing worldwide. Consumers are increasingly looking for readily accessible sustainability information on the products they wish to purchase. Climate change, deforestation and increasing consumer sustainability values are requiring customers to make more complex purchase decisions that need much more sustainability information to aid that decision.

Product labelling (eco-labelling) is a widely adopted method to provide information on products within the supply chain. However eco-labelling typically faces challenges for the consumer in terms of trust and transparency of production data. The need for production and supply chain related information by consumers, society, producers and industry business models will increasingly require greater sustainability and production related data as part of the traditional sales process.

This research proposes a generic framework for a blockchain based management system that focuses on five essential blockchain features (transparency, traceability, immutability, decentralisation and smart contracts) that help address critical agricultural supply chain issues including sustainability performance (security, cost, data sharing, trust, sustainability performance, infrastructure, counterfeiting, quality).

This framework is suggested as a means of developing blockchain-based information management systems to improve agricultural products supply chain sustainability performance.







