日 時

2021年1月23日(土) 15:00-17:30 (JST)

場 所

Virtual Conference, Zoom

内 容

"Sustainability Management in Post Corona Era"

The world economy is suffering from the unpredictable impact caused by COVID-19. How does the Corona crisis affect business activities and how should companies make a renewed relationship with stakeholders in each country in Post Corona era? In general, companies which have been positively working on CSR, sustainability issues and global risks since before the Corona crisis can positively respond to new challenges caused by COVID-19 and show the resilience of the organization to shareholders. CSR and Sustainability management requires a long-term view and a good relationship with stakeholders, and these are also needed in post corona management. JFBS invites the distinguished speakers from Korea, Thailand, Indonesia, Taiwan, and Russia. We would like to discuss what the effects of the pandemic at company and country level are, how companies and government should act to respond most effectively, and how business-stakeholders collaboration should be built to tackle the difficulties and challenges.


・Jung Wan Lee, PhD, KOREA

Professor, School of International Economics and Trade,

Anhui University of Finance and Economics, China;

former Professor at Boston University

・Maxim Storchevoy, PhD, RUSSIA

Associate Professor, HSE University

Director of Russian Business Ethics Network

・Daniel McFarlane, PhD, THAILAND

Director, MA in Social Innovation & Sustainability

School of Global Studies, Thammasat University

・Juniati Gunawan, PhD, INDONESIA

Director, Trisakti Sustainability Center

Trisakti University – Jakarta, Indonesia

・Niven Huang, PhD, TAIWAN

Regional Leader of KPMG Sustainability Services

in Asia Pacific, KPMG Sustainability Consulting Co., Ltd.


Kanji Tanimoto, PhD, JAPAN

Professor, Waseda University, Japan

President, JFBS






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