- 概要
- プログラム詳細
- Keynote Speakers Mr.Arima, Prof.Fröhlich
●当日の模様 大会当日の写真をアップしました
第9回年次大会 (外部サイト、Googleフォト)
■日 程: 2019年9月5日(木)~6日(金)
■場 所: 早稲田大学早稲田キャンパス14号館4階
■協 力: B Corp Asia
■協 力: TOPPAN
■テーマ: サステナビリティ人材の育成と経営教育
・CSRあるいはサステナビリティ経営教育や研修を推進するに当って、外部団体(NGOs, Int’l Initiatives, AACSB, UN Global Compact, PRMEなど)の役割と協働について
Call for Paper (研究報告/ケーススタディ)
全体テーマ「サステナビリティ人材の育成と経営教育」のもと、Call for Paperを行います。報告希望者は報告内容をプロポーザルにまとめ、ご応募ください。
スケジュール |
プロポーザル提出締切 締切延長→ |
2019年 6月17日 |
・プロポーザルは、1500字/800words程度にまとめ、報告テーマ、キーワード3つを記述すること ・使用言語は日本語/英語のいずれか ・メールに添付して、info@j-fbs.jp 宛て提出下さい。 |
査読、および結果通知 延長→ |
2019年 7月上旬 |
Program Committee
・Schmidpeter, René(Professor, Cologne Business
School, Germany)
■日 程: 2019年9月4日(水) → 2019年9月5日(木)
■場 所: 早稲田大学早稲田キャンパス
■テーマ: 企業と社会に関するテーマを広く歓迎します
・Fröhlich, Elisabeth(Professor, Cologne Business
School, Germany)
René(Professor, Cologne Business School, Germany)
JFBS会員/非会員 | 参加費①早割料金 | 参加費②正規料金 |
JFBS会員(一般) | 9,000円 | 11,000円 |
JFBS会員(学生) | 6,500円 | 8,000円 |
非会員 (一般) | 13,000円 | 15,000円 |
非会員 (学生) | 8,000円 | 10,000円 |
交流会9/5 | 3,000円 | 3,500円 |
大会報告者(一般) | 9,000円 (7月20日迄) | |
博士課程院生報告者 | 6,500円 (7月20日迄) |
* 参加申し込みを済ませただけでは、大会参加者として登録されませんのでご注意下さい。参加申込と参加費お支払の完了をもって「登録参加者」となります。
* お支払い方法としては、振込みか、クレジットカード決済をお選びいただけます。
* 年次大会登録参加者には、スピーカーのレジュメ資料をダウンロードできる「参加者パスワード」を事務局よりお送り致します(2019年9月1日から10月31日までの2ヶ月間有効)。紙の節減のため、大会当日に報告要旨集を配布することは致しません。各自ダウンロードのご協力を頂けますようお願い致します。
* 参加費には、お飲物、大会2日目の昼食(軽食)、およびフェアウェル・ドリンクを含んでおります。

Keynote Speakers
Mr. Toshio Arima (Chairman of the Board, Global Compact Network Japan, Japan)
Two Drastic Changes in the SDGs Era
SDGs is now disseminating into Japanese business society. A recent research report says that about 60 % of the top management of Japanese large corporations well understand what SDGs is and are implementing SDGs in their business plans and conducts. This is happening globally as well.
I believe that there are two big and basic change occur during the SDGs era, next ten years. One is that the criteria of success and sustainable corporations will change from Financial Short-term Gains (FSG) to Environment, Social and Governance (ESG). Presently, a ticket to top management is mostly financial expertise. However, in the future, financial expertise is not enough, but wide and deep understanding of ESG will be the key. Secondly, as Keidanren, Japan Business Federation, declared in the “Innovation for SDGs -Road to Society 5.0-“, next ten years will be the time for transforming into Society 5.0 being driven by ICT of AI, IoT, Robots, Cyber Space and so forth. Most of the process works will be shifted to AI and Robots and workplace can be anyplace in the world. Thus, issues and solutions of the SDGs will be quite different from those of present days.
It is important to have basic knowledge of the ESG and basic literacy of the ICT of Society 5.0. But since knowledge and memory can rapidly outdate, and roles of people will shift to more creative matters, it will become extremely important and essential for business leaders to have capability of looking at the basic structure and substance and to explore “what and why” rather than just remembering how to do things well. Both Academia and Business Community need to cope with these drastic changes. Lifetime education and learning of the Liberal Arts may be one of the answers.
Professor Dr. Elisabeth Fröhlich (President of Cologne Business School, Germany)
The“Sustainable Development Learning Map”: an innovative teaching tool?
The 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) introduced by the United Nations intent to secure sustainable development at the economic, social and ecological level. In contrast to the MDGs., which had been applied in particular to developing countries, the SDGs refer to all states and form the global guideline for future sustainable development. Against this background, it makes sense for Business Schools to realize their responsibility to contribute to the successful implementation of SDGs through research and teaching. We have developed a “SDG Learning Map” that shows which content / SDGs sub targets can be addressed within the framework of an integrated, sustainable curriculum. The aim is to clarify which goals remain unachieved and why. New teaching and research content needs to be developed so that Business Schools can make their contribution to the SDGs. Another important aspect to deal with is the question what meta-competencies are required to address this necessary mind shift in corporate management. This innovative teaching approach should help to improve the quality of lectures in the context of sustainable management and thus the contribution of Business School to socially and ecologically relevant topics. And this idea can be spun even further. If we succeed in creating a global learning scenario that trains future leaders equally to meet the global challenge of corporate policy, we will succeed in making the world a place without climate change, forced or child labor or financial scandals.