■日 程: 2014年9月18日(木)~19日(金) 2日間のプログラム
2014年9月17日(水)(予定) ドクトラル・ワークショップ
■場 所: 早稲田大学早稲田キャンパス14号館
■協 賛: TOPPAN
■テーマ: 持続可能性と戦略
その一方で持続可能性は戦略理論の領域においても、異なる意味をもって常に中心的テーマでした。いかなる戦略といえども、それがもたらす最も望ましい成果を表す「持続可能な競争優位(sustainable competitive
Call for Paper (研究報告/ケーススタディ)
全体テーマ「持続可能性と戦略」のもと、下記の4つのトラックでCall for Paperを行います。報告希望者は報告内容をプロポーザルにまとめ、ご応募ください。
ぜひ論文をご投稿下さい。論文は、日本語で18,000字程度/英語で8,000words程度です。 この論文の執筆・提出締切は2015年1月31日(金)となります。事務局宛てに論文をお送り下さい。執筆要綱はこちら。
・Barter, Nick (Senior Lecturer, Griffith University, Australia)
・Debroux, Philippe (創価大学教授)
・岡田 正大 (慶応義塾大学教授)
・谷本 寛治 (早稲田大学教授)
キーノートスピーカー、CB Bhattacharya教授(European School of Management and Technology、ベルリン)の研究業績や専門領域などの詳細はこちら。
Early Bird期間中(2014年7月31日(木)まで)に参加申込みおよび参加費お支払いの両方を済ませて頂く場合に、参加費①Early
カンファレンス参加申込み学生(修士課程在籍以上)のうち希望者は、数は限られていますが、ドクトラル・ワークショップに追加料金なしでオブザーバーとして参加することができます。希望者は、必ず事前に info@j-fbs.jp までご連絡下さい。
*1 参加費は、1名様につき1名様分の参加費のお支払となります。例えば、1つの会社から2日間のプログラムを数名が分担して参加するという場合は、その人数分の参加費が発生いたします。ご承知おきください。
*2 参加申し込みを済ませただけでは、大会参加者として登録されませんのでご注意下さい。参加申込と参加費お支払の完了をもって「登録参加者」となります。
*3 お支払い方法としては、振込みか、クレジットカード決済をお選びいただけます。
*4 年次大会登録参加者には、スピーカーのレジュメ資料をダウンロードできる「参加者パスワード」を事務局よりお送り致します。紙の節減のため、大会当日に報告要旨集を配布することは致しません。各自ダウンロードのご協力を頂けますようお願い致します。
*5 大会2日目は昼食(軽食)をご用意しております。
*6 原則として、交流会のみの参加はできません。交流会参加は大会参加と併せてお申込み下さい。
■Date: September 18th - 19th, 2014 (2 Day Program)
September 17th (to be decided) (Doctoral Workshop))
■Venue: Waseda University, Waseda campus Bldg. No.14, Tokyo, Japan Access
■Theme: Sustainability and Strategy
“Sustainability” has never been discussed so frequently and from
such a variety of angles as today.
The most widespread and traditional use of the term is probably in the sense of sustainability of natural
environment and resources of this planet, symbolized in “Spaceship Earth” by Buckminster Fuller in 1963. Based on this context, “sustainable development” which denotes the economic development
without sacrificing natural environments and social structures has become the central issue not only in the development sector, but also in societies worldwide including both developed and
developing nations.
On the other hand, sustainability has also been at the central position in strategy theories in a different sense. Especially
in the context of sustainable competitive advantage, the most desirable outcome of any strategies, “sustainability” simply means “the ability to endure” a certain competitive position, which
reflects no ecological or social implications of firm strategies. With some important exceptions such as stakeholder theories, relationship theories and social network theories, most strategy
theories are straight “economic” theories with shareholder value maximization as their dependent variable.
However, researchers as well as
corporate managers are now facing the fact that sustainability of their economic performance is no longer attained by optimizing their capabilities and resources solely based on economic
rationality. It has become inevitable to integrate social, ecological and economic dimensions of sustainability into firm strategies and related theories. This integration requires innovative
ways of management practices, distinctive business models, and new theories and research methodologies.
The JFBS 4th Annual Conference 2014 will provide an opportunity for renewed thinking of the emerging and evolving relationship between sustainability and strategy.
Call for Paper (Research/Case Study)
Please submit a A4 one page proposal for a single paper and add three keywords (either in English or Japanese) to info@j-fbs.jp. The deadline for submissions is May 31, 2014.
Proposals may address one of the 4 tracks below.
■Track 1: Sustainability & Competitive Advantage
Strategy theories traditionally explain that the existence of inimitability or imperfect substitutability of a particular resource or capability suffices in achieving sustainability,
or durability, of the firm’s competitiveness. Is that so? How can firms continuously increase its economic performance while preserving, or even improving, ecology, natural environment and social
status of communities surrounding them? What are the new capabilities required for firms to sustain their competitive advantage? What really constitutes firm performance beyond traditional
financial measures? This track focuses on the effect of multifaceted aspects of sustainability on traditional strategy theories.
■Track 2: Development & Strategy
“Inclusive business”, or for-profit businesses at the base of the
economic pyramid of the world, is now recognized by both business sectors and development sectors as a means to solve severe social problems such as those in the Millennium Development Goals
(MDGs) while generating profits enough to sustain those businesses and satisfy investors. However, planning effective strategies for inclusive business and executing them successfully is not
easy. What factors differentiate between successful and unsuccessful inclusive business strategies? How do you define and measure the performance of inclusive businesses?
■Track 3: Sustainability & Financial Markets
A series of incidents such as the enactment of Global
Compact, the introduction of Global Reporting Initiative, and the release of Principles of Responsible Investment by United Nations, all impacted financial markets. Since then, “ESG investment”
and “Impact Investment” are the two most heard terminologies to describe emerging trends and attitudes in the market. This track focuses how financial markets are, or are not, responding to this
sustainability-business integration, and how investors are, or are not, changing their attitude towards “sustainability.”
■Track 4: General Track (papers or panels)
Each of the
above three tracks raises a broad theme or a direction to help interested scholars and practitioners investigate the relationship between sustainability and strategy. However, there should be
important themes which do not directly relate to the above three themes but still relevant to the relationship between sustainability and strategy. Other topic areas linked to the interaction
between business and society are also welcome in this track.
After the conference, our annual book titled “Sustainability and Strategy” by Chikura Publishing will be published next fall. We welcome your paper for the book! The length of your paper should be 8,000 words. The deadline for submission of the paper is January 31, 2015. Please send it to info@j-fbs.jp For details, please read Author Guidlines.
Program Committee
・Barter, Nick (Senior Lecturer, Griffith University, Australia)
・Debroux, Philippe (Professor, Soka
University, Japan)
・Okada, Masahiro (Professor, Keio University, Japan)
・Tanimoto, Kanji
(Professor, Waseda University, Japan)
We are delighted to announce that Professor CB Bhattacharya (European School of Management and Technology in
Berlin) will provide a keynote speech.
For the details of Professor Bhattacharya's publications and interests, please see here.
For the detailed program, please see HERE.
The "Early Bird" discounted price applies in case submission of application form and payment of participation fee are completed by July 31, 2014.
We offer a limited number of non-presenting students to attend the doctoral workshop as guests. For those who have registered for the conference and wish to attend the doctoral workshop, please
inform info@j-fbs.jp in advance and can participate in the workshop with no additional fee. (they need to be master students or above).
【Please note】
*1 The registration for the conference will be completed after we confirm your payment of the participation fee along with submission of the application form.
*2 For payment, please choose either bank transfer or credit card.
*3 Registered participants of the conference will receive a password to download presentation resumes. JFBS will not provide proceedings in order to save papers.
*4 Registered participants will have free lunch on September 19, the 2nd day of the conference. We hope you will make good use of this opportunity to enrich your network.
*5 As a rule, it is not permitted to participate in the the networking event only. To participate in the networking event, you need to register for the conference.
Tokyo is a very large and attractive city and benefits from plentiful accommodation. See the following website for more information.
- Japan National Tourism Organization
- Japan Guide
Guide to Japanese VISA
Please note JFBS is not authorized to assist with the VISA process beyond providing the brochure of the 4th Anuual Conference and the notification of your
visiting schedule for the conference.
In case that your application be denied, JFBS cannot change the decision of the Japan Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and cannot engage in discussion or correspondence with the MOFA or the Embassy
of Japan on behalf of the applicant, either.
The registration fee cannot be refunded when the VISA application of individual being denied.
If your country is included in the list of the countries that have the visa exemption agreement with Japant, you usually do not need to apply for an entry visa to Japan. If your country is not
included in the list, you need to obtain a short-term stay visa (“tanki-shouyou visa” in Japanese) from the embassy of Japan in your country. Usually the procedure takes considerably long, so you
need to begin the procedure as soon as possible.
●We uploaded photos (the external website, Picasa.)
The renowned Professor CB Bhattacharya, the E.ON Chair Professor in Corporate Responsibility at ESMT European School of Management and Technology in Berlin, Germany
(His expertise is in the area of business strategy innovation aimed at increasing both business and social value. For the details of his publications, please
see here.)