
第3回年次大会:CSR とコーポレート・ガバナンス/JFBS 3rd Annual Conference 2013

日 程: 2013919日(木)~20日(金) 2日間のプログラム
      2013918日(水)      ドクトラル・ワークショップ

場 所: 早稲田大学早稲田キャンパス







■後 援: 日本経済新聞社


■連携組織: ・The Academy of Business in Society

・公益社団法人企業市民協議会 (CBCC)

・CSR Asia

・一般社団法人グローバル・コンパクト・ジャパン・ネットワーク (GCJN)

・特定非営利活動法人日本コーポレート・ガバナンス・ネットワーク (CG-net)


テーマ: CSR とコーポレート・ガバナンス








谷本 寛治 









Joachim Schwalbach (Professor, Humboldt-University of Berlin, Germany)
Nick Barter (Senior Lecturer, Griffith University, Australia)
Wanjun Jiang (Associate Professor, Peking University, China)
Gregory Jackson (Professor, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany)
・鎗目 雅(東京大学准教授)
・谷本 寛治(早稲田大学教授)

Call for Paper (研究報告/ケーススタディ) 

● Journal of Corporate Citizenship 
(イギリスGreenleaf Publishing社)
今回のテーマの中でとくに、“Japanese Approaches to CSR”について特集号を組むこととなりました。

● Journal of Corporate Governance (イギリスEmerald Group Publishing社)
今回のテーマの中でとくに、Governance and CSR Management in Sportについて特集号を組むこととなりました。  


Call for Paper for the Joint Conference (PDF-English)

・提出締切: 2013531日(金)
・仕   様: A4 1ページ以内 (使用言語は日本語/英語のいずれか)
・提出方法: info@j-fbs.jp 宛にメール添付で送付のこと


この論文の執筆・提出締切は2014127日となります。info@j-fbs.jp 宛てに論文をお送り下さい。

2) A special issue: Japanese Approaches to CSR, Journal of Corporate Citizenship
(Greenleaf Publishing

3) A special issue: Governance and CSR Management in Sport, the Journal of Corporate Governance
Emerald Group Publishingより発行予定)

本カンファレンスに先立ち、9/18に開催されるドクトラル・ワークショップ(博士課程院生のみ)のCall for Paper
Call for Paper for the Doctoral Workshop preceding the Joint Conference (PDF-English)
2013ジョイントカンファレンス ドクトラル・ワークショップCFP(PDF-日本語)



執筆にあたり、Author Guidelineをご参照下さい。

2) A special issue: Japanese Approaches to CSR of the Journal of Corporate Citizenship
(Greenleaf Publishing
詳細については こちら.

3) A special issue of the Journal of Corporate Governance - The International Journal of Business in Society
Emerald Group Publishingより発行予定)
詳細については こちら.


Early Bird期間中(2013715()まで)に参加申込みおよび参加費お支払いの両方を済ませて頂く場合に、参加費①Early Bird(早割)料金が適用されます。





JFBS 3rd Annual Conference 2013 


Japan Forum of Business and Society (JFBS)

Humboldt-University Berlin International CSR Conferences (HU CSR)

Japanese-German Center Berlin (JDZB)

International Joint Conference

■Date: 19th September, Thursday-20th September, Friday, 2013
       (2 days program)
      18th September, Wednesday, 2013
       (Doctoral Workshop)
■Venue: School of Commerce, Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan Access

■Theme: CSR and Corporate Governance
How is Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) understood and managed in business organizations and how is it part of ‘good’ Corporate Governance?
It is acknowledged that CSR should be incorporated into the management process and CSR is clearly part of management strategies and business plans. Business addresses CSR as practical management issue, and implements and controls it. Executives need to govern the management process responding voices and interests of the related stakeholders.
It is significant to consider the interdependence between corporate governance and CSR. In the Joint Conference, we will discuss the relationship between CSR management and corporate governance.

Welcome Message 


Dear Colleagues,

We are pleased to announce that we are going to hold an international joint conference where we discuss “CSR and corporate governance” on September 19th and 20th , 2013 in Tokyo, Japan.

How is Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) understood and managed in business organizations and how is it a part of ‘good’ Corporate Governance?
It is acknowledged that CSR should be incorporated into the management process and CSR should be clearly a part of management strategies and business plans. Business addresses CSR as a practical management issue, implements and controls it. Executives need to govern the management process responding voices and interests of their related stakeholders.
It is significant to consider the interdependence between corporate governance and CSR. We will discuss the relationship between CSR management and corporate governance.

The joint conference is to be co-hosted by Japan Forum of Business and Society (JFBS), Humboldt University International CSR Conference, and Japanese German Center Berlin (JDZB) as JFBS’s 3rd Annual Conference.
JFBS is a new academy, founded in 2011, which aims to conduct academic research/discussion upon business in society and develop human resources with encouraging broad cooperation among academia, industry, government, labor and NPO/NGO as well as collaboration with related entities in and out of Japan.
Humboldt University International CSR Conference was initiated in 2004 and has been organized as the series of International CSR-Conferences, mainly focusing on “International Management”, “Corporate Governance” and “Corporate Social Responsibility”. The conference is held every other year in Berlin, Germany. Its mission is advancing the research in the area of CSR, fostering an international exchange between academia and business practice, and integrating CSR into the economic curriculum.
Japanese German Center Berlin works for German-Japanese and international exchange including specialists’ conferences, cultural events, language courses, exchange programs, a library and regular house publications.

Researchers and practitioners are studying how companies should identify assignments for responsible business operation in society as management issues, and are actively seeking for practical solutions for better corporate governance considering the relationships with stakeholders.
We look forward to your joining us for this discussion.


● Kanji Tanimoto, Professor, School of Commerce, Waseda University /
President of Japan Forum of Business and Society
● Joachim Schwalbach, Professor, Institute of Management, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Germany

Kanji Tanimoto

Professor, School of Commerce,

Waseda University

President of Japan Forum of Business and Society



For the detailed program, please see HERE.

Program Committee

Joachim Schwalbach (Professor, Humboldt-University of Berlin, Germany)
Nick Barter (Senior Lecturer, Griffith University, Australia)
Wanjun Jiang (Associate Professor, Peking University, China)
Gregory Jackson (Professor, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany)
Masaru Yarime (Associate Professor, the University of Tokyo, Japan)
Kanji Tanimoto (Professor, Waseda University, Japan)

Call for Paper ResearchCase Study) 

We are pleased to announce that two journals will join the conference and will publish special issues as follows:
● Journal of Corporate Citizenship(JCC (the Greenleaf Publishing) will publish a special issue of "Japanese Approaches to CSR" with related to the conference theme.
● The Journal of Corporate Governance (Emerald Group Publishing) will publish a special issue "Governance and CSR Management in Sport" with related to the conference theme.

Call for Paper for the Joint Conference (PDF)
Submission Deadline on May 31, 2013. Please submit a A4 one page proposal (PDF file) for a single paper and add three keywords (either in English or Japanese). Please send it to info@j-fbs.jp

Those who submit a successful proposal will be invited to submit a full paper after the conference to either:

1) A special book titled “CSR and Corporate Governance“ by Chikura Publishing
 (Articles should be 8,000 words long).
 The deadline for a full paper submission is January 27, 2014.
 Please send the paper to info@j-fbs.jp

2) A special issue: Japanese Approaches to CSR of the Journal of Corporate Citizenship by Greenleaf Publishing

3) A special issue of the Journal of Corporate Governance - The International
 Journal of Business in Society by Emerald Group Publishing

For your information
Call for Papers For the Doctoral Workshop preceding the Joint Conference (PDF)
(For doctoral students only)

Paper Submission

After the conference, presenters will be invited to submit a full paper.

1) A special book titled “CSR and Corporate Governance“ by Chikura Publishing
  The paper must not exceed 8,000 words in length.
  Please read Author Guidelines



Deadline for Submission

27 January, 2014

Please send the full paper to info@j-fbs.jp

Result Notification

31 March, 2014

The full papers are invited for double-blind peer review.
The acceptance/rejection will be notified to you by the end of March 2014.

Final Submission

26 May, 2014

Please send the final manuscript to info@j-fbs.jp
Publication is expected in Ootober 2014.

2) A special issue: Japanese Approaches to CSR of the Journal of Corporate Citizenship by Greenleaf Publishing
For details, please see here.

3) A special issue of the Journal of Corporate Governance - The International Journal of Business in Society by Emerald Group Publishing
For details, please see here.


The "Early Bird" discounted price applies in case submission of application form and payment of participation fee are completed by July 15, 2013.

We offer a limited number of non-presenting students to attend the doctoral workshop as guests. For those who have registered for the conference and wish to attend the doctoral workshop, please inform info@j-fbs.jp in advance and can participate in the workshop with no additional fee. (they need to be master students or above).

Please note
*1 The registration for the Joint Conference will be completed after we confirm your payment of the participation fee along with submission of the application form.
*2 For payment, please choose either bank transfer or credit card.
*3 Registered participants of the Joint Conference will receive a password to download presentation resumes. JFBS will not provide proceedings in order to save papers.
*4 Registered participants will have free lunch on September 20, the 2nd day of the conference. We hope you will make good use of this opportunity to enrich your network.
*5 As a rule, it is not permitted to participate in the the networking event only. To participate in the networking event, you need to register for the Joint Conference.



Tokyo is a very large and attractive city and benefits from plentiful accommodation. See the following website for more information.
Japan National Tourism Organization
Japan Guide